Come and enjoy great quality sessions in our pleasant atmosphere office in Saint-Raphaël by making an appointment with one of our therapists.
Osteopathy is a manual therapy fitted for all types of patients and needs from emergencies to chronic pain.
In all cases, receipts for payment are provided for insurance purposes.
The osteopathic practice Chez l’Ostéo location is :
665 Boulevard Georges Clémenceau –83700 Saint Raphaël – L’Aurore.
The osteopathic studio is located near the city center in Saint-Raphaël between square Lamartine and district Les Plaines.
Bus Lines 14, 10, 5, 4 et 2 – Arrêt Stop at Les Cazeaux.
The office benefits from an handicap access to welcome our disabled patients. There are parking facilities for handicapped drivers just before the office.
Emergencies and consultations by appointment: 06 25 60 65 56
Who are we?
Two therapists are available for your cares at Chez l’Ostéo : Victoria Quelart and Benjamin Dalieres are two osteopaths who trained over a 5 years cursus and graduated from Atman Osteopathic Center in Nice Sophia Antipolis University and ESO Maidstone.
They also got a Physionutrition degree in Grenoble Alpes University.
We practice our trade passion work: osteopathics in a relaxed and human way, in order to release your urgent or chronic functional troubles.
In order to solve all our patients functional troubles, we adapt our treatment to everyone : soft technics or cracking dynamic technics depending on each patient type.
We speak english
Wir sprechen Deutsch

Who can consult an osteopath?
Benjamin and Victoria gather their skills to take care of all kinds of patients : young and old, sporty and lazy at all time of life.



Expectant mothers


Active or sedentary

When do you need a session?
Back pain
Everyday life can challenge our spine and its flexibility : sitting at a desk at work or standing all day, pains due to lasting bad posture are common. Come and heal your neck, shoulders, lower back, sciatica pains with us during a session at Chez l’Ostéo.
Joints and tendons pains
Who has never had a sprain ? Ankle, wrist, shoulder, knee, ligaments and structures of these joints are sometimes painful after being overly stretched during a torsion or a fall, it is what it’s called a sprain. Tendonitis are a chronic painful inflammation of the tendons from the elbow, the shoulder, the knee or the ankle joints. Osteopathics can improve these pains and balance the tensions on these bullied joints.
Troubles digesting
Bloating, diarrhea, constipation, reflux, difficulties during digestion, food and nutrition are at the center of our attention recently : the bowels would be our second brain. Thanks to specific osteopathic technics and a physionutrition care we hope to be able to help you face these functional troubles.
Headaches and stress
Screens, lack of sleep, bad hydratation, anxiety and stress are everyday troubles to some of our patients. Osteopathics can balance in a holistic way the body’s functions and help patients to deal with these everyday bothers.
Pregnancy and newborns
Regular osteopathic cares during pregnancy seem to be a must to deal with physical and emotional tensions linked to these particular moment of a woman’s life. Babies are special tiny patients who need specific cares. As an optimal delivery must be upstream prepared, a birth can lead to some tensions that osteopathic cares can release for the baby, so that they can grasp the world in a softer way. Perinatal osteopathic treatments improve the skull development, the motor system development and digestive system development.
Check up after a trauma
After a physical shock (medical consultation with a doctor is sometimes needed), after an emotional break down, an accident or a fall, some pains can appear and stay even long after the event’s happening. Osteopathics can help dealing with the consequences of the trauma.
Back pain
Everyday life can challenge our spine and its flexibility : sitting at a desk at work or standing all day, pains due to lasting bad posture are common. Come and heal your neck, shoulders, lower back, sciatica pains with us during a session at Chez l’Ostéo.
Joints and tendons pains
Who has never had a sprain ? Ankle, wrist, shoulder, knee, ligaments and structures of these joints are sometimes painful after being overly stretched during a torsion or a fall, it is what it’s called a sprain. Tendonitis are a chronic painful inflammation of the tendons from the elbow, the shoulder, the knee or the ankle joints. Osteopathics can improve these pains and balance the tensions on these bullied joints.
Troubles digesting
Bloating, diarrhea, constipation, reflux, difficulties during digestion, food and nutrition are at the center of our attention recently : the bowels would be our second brain. Thanks to specific osteopathic technics and a physionutrition care we hope to be able to help you face these functional troubles.
Headaches and stress
Screens, lack of sleep, bad hydratation, anxiety and stress are everyday troubles to some of our patients. Osteopathics can balance in a holistic way the body’s functions and help patients to deal with these everyday bothers.
Pregnancy and newborns
Regular osteopathic cares during pregnancy seem to be a must to deal with physical and emotional tensions linked to these particular moment of a woman’s life. Babies are special tiny patients who need specific cares. As an optimal delivery must be upstream prepared, a birth can lead to some tensions that osteopathic cares can release for the baby, so that they can grasp the world in a softer way. Perinatal osteopathic treatments improve the skull development, the motor system development and digestive system development.
Check up after a trauma
After a physical shock (medical consultation with a doctor is sometimes needed), after an emotional break down, an accident or a fall, some pains can appear and stay even long after the event’s happening. Osteopathics can help dealing with the consequences of the trauma.
The key step from an holistic care at Chez l’Ostéo

Anamnesis: getting to know the patient

Observation and clinical exam

Test phase


A question?
Contact us
Osteopathic practice
665 Boulevard Georges Clemenceau
83700 Saint-Raphaël – L’Aurore.
Appointment: Internet or phone
Go there
Bus Lines 14, 10, 5, 4 et 2 – Arrêt Stop at Les Cazeaux.